Thursday, October 17, 2013

BBC Baby Announcement

I am pleased to announce the delivery of Abigail Elizabeth Boies, at exactly midnight on the 15th (there was some discussion of whether that was the 14th or the 15th).  We had a long day of waiting around, but once things started, they moved fast. Cathy and Abby are both doing well, and they came home yesterday.  At this point, we are very, very sleepy.  More pictures after the jump.

We'll reemerge at some point.  In the mean time, happy reading.



  1. Mazel tov! She looks like you, especially in that first shot.

  2. Congratulations to Cathy for doing all the work. And congrats to for holding the stethoscope trying to look busy!

    1. Cathy for some reason didn't want me publishing pictures of her doing all the work on the blog.
