What should I read next?
Kinda fun, if often weird in its selections. I gave it a try with a few of our better-reviewed (by us) choices and got these results:
A Visit from the Goon Squad gives Steve Martin - An Object of Beauty
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay gives Jonathan Lethem - The Fortress of Solitude
A Game of Thrones gives Greg Keyes - The Charnel Prince
Master and Commander gives Patrick O'Brien - Post Captain (Rather a safe choice, as it's the sequel to M&C. But I approve.)
A Few Seconds of Panic gives David Foster Wallace - This Is Water
Perdido Street Station gives Michael Swanwick - The Iron Dragon's Daughter
The Sparrow gives Robert J Sawyer - Flash Forward [Okay, it didn't. That's result 2. The first result was Fitzgerald John D , Mayer Mercer - The Great Brain at the Academy. That's good, but just nuts.]
Hunting Eichmann gives Robert Mayer - The Dreams of Ada
Persepolis gives Alison Bechdel - Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic
American Gods and Sandman both give Warren Ellis et al. - Transmetropolitan : The New Scum
The Night Circus gives Yangsze Choo - The Ghost Bride
The Orphan Master's Son gives George Saunders - Tenth of December: Stories
And Wolf Hall, our current book, leads to A M Homes - May We Be Forgiven.
Note that in each case the recommendation list is much longer; I just grabbed the top result. Except for The Sparrow.